Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017

Dear Families,
We can’t believe how fast the year has flown by! We’ve enjoyed seeing your children grow and learn.!  This is our last newsletter for the year.
Here is what is happening in the Second Grade Team!

*Last Week of School Fun!
Please see the note we sent home earlier for more details.

Monday: Game Day and Pajama Day-bring a board game and special snack
Tuesday: Camping Day-bring a blanket, flashlight, special snack, book
Wednesday: DF Spirit Day-field day-wear your field day shirt or a grey one
Thursday: Hawaiian Luau Day-Wear Hawaiian clothes, bring towel, sunglasses, and bring in a movie to watch 
Friday: Last day of school, half day-dismissal 12:35 p.m.

Language Arts

Reading Workshop: Second graders focused on presenting their Passion Projects and reading Scholastic Newspapers. We also began returning book room books and cleaning out frog boxes  and crates. Remember to join the Summer Library Program this summer and read!

Word Work: We worked on finishing up some pages in our Wordly Wise Books. Anything not completed can be used for summer review. Don’t forget the website for extra practice over the summer!

Be sure to go to the free activities at the bottom of the page and go to “student page.”

Writing: We cleaned out our writing binders and tried to organize. Don’t forget to use the leftover pages in all of the notebooks sent home to practice writing over the summer! Students can write narratives, informational pieces, realistic fiction, and opinion/persuasive letters or even just lists! Also, the blogs are available. Encourage your child to blog about summer activities!

Math: This week we took our Unit 9 math test. A lot of it was review and many did  really well. Your child can finish up any pages in the math book for practice over the summer! We'll send those home next week. 

Social Studies: We're  finishing up our last unit on Government!

Summer Review Activities:
*Library Reading Program
*Math Homelinks and finish up any unfinished pages in the math workbooks!
*IXL math, Everyday Math  and Xtra Math Websites: Practice any counting coin activities
*Read ( second graders should be able to read 10-20 minutes of uninterrupted time)
*Wordly Wise- Explore the website!
* Blog!

Have a great weekend and a wonderful summer!
The Second Grade Teachers

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2, 2017

Dear Families,

This week flew by!

Some important dates coming up:

*June 3rd: Our Bee Booth will be held from 10:00-2:00. Come if you can, even if you didn't sign up, we'd love to see you stop by!

*June 6th: Field Trip to Greenfield Village​- Wear DF shirt
 (Please don't forget to read email about the field trip!)

*Week of 12-16- End of the year fun/ see the purple calendar sent home today!

*June 14th: Field Day! Second Graders try to wear gray t-shirts!

*June 16th: Last day of school- half day for students 

Reading and Writing
We were busy all week finishing up our Bee projects. We edited, copied and finalized our Bee Brochures, made Kites, posters and signs for our Bee Booth and sent out a great commercial for our Bee Informational Project. We also continued to read websites and articles to find more information for our Passion Projects.  Please take a look at your project this weekend and add your Driving Question and edit for capitalization and punctuation. Some have finished but still need to look them over and edit. 

This time was used for working on our Passion Projects, researching, writing and revising. 
Have a great weekend!


The Second Grade Team