Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016

Dear Families,
We had a great week in school! Here are some highlights from our week.
Important dates:
·  Wednesday, December 14th: Holiday Shop @ 4:30 - 8:00 pm
·  Thursday, December 15th: Holiday Shop @ 4:30 - 8:00 pm
·  Thursday, December 22nd: Grade Level holiday celebrations 10:30-11:15
·  Friday, December 23rd: Last day with students before break (full day)
·  Monday, December 26th: Holiday Break Begins
·  Monday, January 9th: Students/Staff Return from Break 
This week, we worked on Monitoring and Clarifying. Sometimes we don’t always understand everything in a story. Monitoring & Clarifying helps us to remember to think about the text to make sure we are monitoring our thinking and clearing up anything that wasn't understood. We slow down the zoom, zoom, zoom to make sure we are understanding and thinking about our reading! We stop and think, reread, ask questions, make a connection, visualize, and use context clues to help us to comprehend our reading.
Word Work: 
This past week we focused on y and ey word patterns.  We’re trying to use them in our writing and noticing them in our reading. We’re sorting words in order to find the patterns. Practice at home: Search for words with these word patterns in newspapers or magazines. Copy them and highlight the pattern.
Writing: We did some more blogging last week and worked on being more careful about proofreading. We want to take the time to monitor and clarify our writing too! Slow down the zooming through writing in order to make sure our posts make sense and have careful punctuation and spelling.
Last week, we also began our new writing unit, “Realistic Fiction”. We used a mentor text to find noticings of what is included in a realistic fiction story. Students began thinking about story ideas by thinking about something that happened to them and then changing the characters to reflect the fact that it is a fiction story. We will begin character and setting development next week after reviewing other mentor texts.
Math: This week we worked on Unit 4. This unit focuses on time to the nearest 5 minutes, place value and measuring using inches and centimeters. This week, we completed the lessons that focused on time (4.1-4.3) and two lessons on place value (4.4 and 4.7). We sent home the “at home review” earlier this week. IT IS DUE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH. Please review it before sending it back to school so that your child can review concepts that they may need to practice.
The following are suggestions for IXL skills to practice during Unit 4. Reviewing skills we have already learned and trying new sills are encouraged as well!
IXL Skills to practice for unit 4:
·         Comparing and Ordering: B.2, B.2
·         Place Value: any of the M section.
·         Time: Q.1-Q.8
·         Measurement with inches and centimeters: S.2, S.8
Character Trait of the Month: GRATITUDE. Last week, we send home a gratitude journal which we would like your child to complete at home as homework this month. It is due December 23rd, our last day before break. We take great pride in adding these character traits to your child's curriculum.  We feel it greatly helps your child to grow into a well-rounded, kind and caring human being.  Please continue to talk about these traits at home and we will do the same here at school! 
Be sure to wear boots, gloves or mittens, a hat, snowpants and a coat! This will be strictly enforced until ...May...probably. :(
Hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful snowday!
The Second Grade Teachers



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