Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017

Dear Families,
We had a very busy week! Thanks to our High School Football players who came in to read to our kiddos for March is Reading Month and to our parent Art Smart Volunteer! Also, thanks so much for all of the support with our Community Service Project. Our fleece is piling up and we really appreciate all of the donations!  We're looking forward to seeing all of the creative baked goods at next week's Second Grade Bake Sale!

Mrs. G.'s former students!
Volunteer Opportunity:
If you can help us to cut the fleece and get it ready for tying blankets, please contact us and let us know when you're available. We are still collecting fleece! Please send it in next week so that we can get it cut. 
Second Grade Service Project:  We are collecting grain free dog or puppy food, durable pet toys, rawhides, puppy pads, crate liners, collars and leashes, pet beds, crates, used pack and plays (for puppies).

Some important dates to remember:
March 9th: All School Field Trip—Please remember to pack a small, disposable snack and we are encouraging students to bring a lunch.
March 10th: Second Grade Community Service Bake Sale! Please remember to bring in 1-2 dozen baked goods the day of the sale. Also, please do not make anything that uses nuts or has peanut butter in the recipe. Thank you!
March 16th: Cabin Time. All fleece needs to be cut by this date.
March 23rdCommunity Service project presentation during the whole school community circle (9:30-10:00am). Parents are welcome to attend!
March 23rd: Second Grade Spring Concert, 7:00-8:00 pm
March 24th: Records Day/ half day--Dismissal is at 12:30 pm.
* March 30thSpring Conferences from 5-8 pm. This conference is not mandatory. If your teacher feels like they would like to speak with you about your child, they will schedule a conference time with you for that day. If you are not contacted for a conference, you may still request a conference time for that evening.
March 31st: Spring Break begins at the end of the day.
April 10th: School resumes
April 28th: Celebration of Learning. More information to come later on! Teachers will be turning off Seesaw notifications within the next few weeks to prepare for the Celebration of Learning. Please do not be alarmed if you do not get updates, as we would like to have our students show you new things on that day.  

This week we worked on a nonfiction close reading piece about the month of March. We practiced adding in our tracks of a reader to show our thinking and then went back into the article in order to provide answers to the questions. We also finished our Book Clubs and had great discussions about our books. Next week, we'll work on more strategies for reading nonfiction. 

This week we worked on writing paragraphs, including a topic sentence, supporting details and a closing sentence. We also spent a lot of time writing our business plans for our Bakery Businesses! Next week, we'll focus on writing book reviews!

This week we worked really hard on learning two new concepts, rounding numbers in order to help us with ballpark estimates and an adding strategy called Partial Sums. Partial Sums is the first step to learning regrouping. Students practiced building (showing) the numbers with base ten blocks, then grouping  (hundreds, tens and ones) and then adding them. This may seem like an extra step, but it really helps students to see the place value of the numbers before they actually start to "carry" or regroup the numbers. Please continue to practice these skills at home and be sure to review the videos that were sent home earlier in the week.

E.12, E. 18, E.20, G.9, G.14-- Addition Word Problems 

F.10, H.9, J.5-- Subtraction Word Problems 

Section M--Place Value

Section R--picture and bar graphs only 

Social Studies:​ 
We worked all week on our business plans, learning about setting up a business and all of the hard work it entails!  Students carefully planned out many aspects of their businesses and began creating signs for advertising. We also designed boxes to set around the school to  store all of our donations.  All proceeds from our bake sale will go to the TLC Animal Sanctuary: 
We're really excited about helping this Animal Rescue Group!  Please remember to refer to our animal donation list, if you wish to donate to our cause. Thank you very much for all of the donations of fleece for our pet blankets. Also, thank you for your support with the bake sale! Reminder: All bake sale items need to be sent in Friday morning (March 10th) for the sale that day! We're all very excited about making the blankets with our Cabin Groups in a couple of weeks. Please let us know if you're able to help out with the cutting of the fabric!

Have a great weekend!
The Second Grade Teachers

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